4/4/2023 - 4/7/2023
Adriena Tan Yan Zi 
Typography/ Bachelor of Design in Creative Media/ Taylors University 
Final Compilation & Reflection 

  • Task 1 / Exercises 
  • Task 2/ Typography Exploration & Communication 
  • Task 3/ Type Design & Communication 


Task 1/ Exercises 

Figure 1.1 Final Type Expression JPEG

Figure 1.2 Final Type Expression PDF

Figure 1.3 Final Type Animation GIF

Figure 1.4 Final Text Formatting JPEG

 Figure 1.6 Final Text Formatting PDF (without grid)

Final 1.7 Final Text Formatting PDF (with grid)

Task 2/ Typographic Exploration & Communication 

Figure 1.7 Final Typographic Exploration & Communication JPEG

Figure 1.8 Final Typographic Exploration & Communication PDF

Task 3/ Type Design & Communication 

Figure 1.9 Final Construction of "Bubble"(Regular) JPEG 

Figure 1.9 Final Construction of "Bubble"(Regular) PDF

Figure 1.10 Screen Grab of the sentence (Regular)

Figure 1.11 Final Poster JPEG 

Final figure 1.13 Final Poster PDF


I must say that the entire experience I acquired from this module was one that I can see myself using in the future. This experience was full of problems as each duty was assigned one after the other, and had to swiftly adapt to new situations without much time to absorb the previous one. But there is no hesitation when I say the experience I gained from these tasks are valuable, and was exposed to various different method to create a decent type. Sir's feedback and trials and errors made me know that I have come a long way with my type. Personally, I feel like they are all very time consuming yet rewarding at the end of each task. The most fun I had is with task 3 yet is it the most stressful task out of all the task if I'm being honest. To round off, this module has thought me to pay more attention to other aspect than design to create a great work. 

From the task given throughout this module, I have learn to pay more attention to details as little as they may seem because they consequences would be too fatal to fix later on. So one essential lesson I learnt is that sometimes starting again is preferable to attempting to fix what is already broken. From doing deconstruction in task 3, I learned how each typeface is constructed and that there are very few perfect typefaces as they are still element of design. In the deconstruction, I fount out that some of the typeface are not symmetrical at all, but why do they look fine as a whole family. I've also begun to pay more attention to the font in many packages and brand names in order to learn or even mentally provide constructive comments so that they might be improved. 

I found out that typography is more than ho wit sounds like. Not just a bush of letters aligned together make them a type. I found that that text formatting are equally as significant. The tutorials provided was a huge help and guideline but I find that it could be a bit more detailed as my brain takes a little longer time for it to completely comprehend a situation not to mention learning a new skill. In found out that in this module there are not a lot of freedom with how we create our type, it's always "make it sharp, make this and this straight", if you want to make it round make sure it's symmetrical or better to not make it round at all. It's not that I don't want to hear this feedback; it just doesn't feel right with me, and I operate better under freedom rather than restriction. In this module, i find that it does not really feel like art to me. 


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