1. Emphasis 

Dark Clouds 

2. Harmony & Unity 



Pretty Mess


Life Below Water: It Matters 


Final Reflection: 

This module was introduced in the beginning of 2023 as a foundational module before delving further into the knowledge of design. I have learned a number of things throughout this little semester that I was unable to learn when I was in Foundation in Arts. I can now more clearly grasp all the design ideas that were covered in the lecture video that was filmed, and I can also more clearly understand the comments our professor made to the students. In addition, I learned to believe in myself and merely express and research any views that are pertinent to the topic. Don't be afraid to experiment with many ideas and aesthetics until you find one that you identify with. In keeping with that, I'd like to add that it's also one of the aspects of this module that I enjoy the most. That is being able to express our creativity however we like in the form of media or 3D. This gives students the freedom to explore more option and their capability in each medium used, gradually improving with new projects to complete. On the contrary, the thing I dislike the most in the module is only the limited time we each possessed for every single project. I understand it is a short semester and that we only have so much time to complete every learning objective given yet I wish that we could have more time to explore with each given topic to create an artwork as it is each topic has it's uniqueness and it was really fun to create alongside with these topic in my opinion. Leading from there, this module has brought me to understand and get to know myself in a deeper level. When I selected this module for my degree, I was apprehensive about starting a new journey on my own, as I still am, but I was also questioning whether I made the best decision and whether this course is best for me. However, now that I have completed this module, I can say with certainty that I belong and that I'm happy to have chosen this course. The changes in my learning journey is that I learnt to not be so passive on my own choices, to believe in myself and give more credit to myself because I deserve it, I made the choices that has brought me so far in this journey and I am greatly to have Mr. Charles by our side to direct this module in a fun and light hearted way. 


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