Project 1: Self-Portrait

1. Recap of brief: Project 1 
This week we are suppose to work on a given assignment by the lecturer which is a self-portrait. In this assignment, we are required to contemplate on your life-experiences, which include our culture, our family, our friends, my schooldays, my favourite hangouts, my favourite music, food, musicians, etc. I have observe my surroundings for the past few days before working on my artwork. I have observed the people, vehicles, buildings, plants, signages, nature, and activities. Later on, I found that the things and represents and interests me are best represented in the visuals I found online so I have save some references from Pinterest which is one of the platform inspires my artwork the most.


2. Design Process: 

2.1: Visual References (That inspires mine) 

2.1.1 Image reference from Pinterest 

The first image I adhered reminds me of the different personalities and preferences I have. So, I wanted to use it as the base of my artwork so that I work blank canvas that also represented me in some ways. As in, when we are walking on the streets, strangers will perceive us as that one image we around but in reality there are more to us than what other people first perceive. 


2.1.2  Image reference from Pinterest 

The second image that I have adhered represents how other people might see me at first I from young I've gotten a lot comments saying I don't look like I have any emotions even from my family members. So my dad would often call me "kayu" as a remark for the lack of emotions I seem to have. 


2.1.3 Image reference from Pinterest 

The third image that I have adhered in my opinion represents well of how I see myself inside and out. The way how I perceive myself however is vastly different from how others perceive me which I think is presented well in the elements in this image. From the colours used to even details included. 

2.1.4 Image reference from Pinterest 

Moving on, with this image that I have adhered next is simply one of my hobbies I possessed since I learnt how to speak which is singing. Singing always bring a sense of happiness as well as calmness into my being. I  thoroughly enjoy the joy that runs through my veins when I sing whether that is with music or acapella. 

2.1.5 Image reference from Pinterest 

Lastly, this reference image shows one of my favourite animals which is a cute and fluffy cat. Though my family don't officially own a house cat, however my neighbour has lots of them that would frequently visit my home and we would feed them often. They are such a treat to have a around and a great stress-reliever. 


2.2 Idea Exploration 

2.2.1 First sketch 

This is the first sketch which is a one line face sketch to act as my canvas for my further progress. 

2.2.2 Painting background

I painted the background with my all time favourite colour which is pink that would also emphasise the one line face. 

2.2.3 Adding gradient 

I would then painted and blended purple into the background think that it would go well with the theme I'm going for. 



2.2.4 Sketching and preparing wood texture

Preparing for the wood texture that would then represent how other people perceive me. 

2.2.5 Finishing woof texture and start sketching the flowers on the other side.

I filled in the left side painted it with wood texture and start sketching the right side filing it with lot of flowers and stars and music notes. Things that represents how I see myself and what I like. 

2.2.6 Details painting and adding elements 

I painted in all the details like the flowers, the musical notes, the stars. The the add on to the emphasis on the face I added a few more one line faces that represents other people glances, or people around me. 


2.2.7 Including the last visual 

Thinking that adding the last element would pull the all artwork together. So, I sketch this cat which looks like one of my neighbour's cat that love to visit our home everyday. 


2.3 Final Outcome 

2.3.1 Final Outcome: Pretty Mess 

Finally, I have come to finish and resulted in the final artwork. I named this artwork the "Pretty Mess". The rationale behind why I name this artwork as so is pretty self-explanatory when you quietly observe the artwork in detail, you would notice how there are 2 sides which applied the design principle contrast with each sides. the left side is dull and boring, a piece of wood which carries a neutral expression. On the contrary, the right side is filled with different colours and fun elements that would catches he viewer's eyes in my opinion. Moreover, I have also applied the design principle emphasis which is obviously showed as the center piece that pops out the most in the whole artwork. The story behind this art work is that from a young age, I never really show much emotions on the outside which and my ability to interpret a matter or scenario is much slower than my peers so I seem to never blend in or make any friends in my primary schooldays. So my parent and sisters would often call me "kayu" when I can't interpret what they are trying to convey. Even to stranger, I looked as if I was cold, bold and straightforward. However from my point of view, I view myself as fun, cheerful and friendly. I mention this because from young, I hold a lot of passions for what I like and had stick to it even until today. For example, singing is just one of my many hobbies but thinking of it makes me completely engulfed in my own thoughts most of the times singing in my own head if I'm not in a appropriate time or space to sing out loud. In addition, I also like colours, the sight of colourful things blending together in harmony always brightens up my mood which is my I lean towards colourful artwork a lot. Even though messy, when you look at it as a whole picture and try to define it which each elements playing their own designated parts, they work in harmony too. 

2.4 Feedback from Lecturer  

2.5 Reflection about what I have learnt and discovered in Project 1. 

In this reflection, I would like to review that I have learnt a few that I find would be quite useful for my future artworks and projects. First of all, I have learn to view at the thing ordinary everyday things around me in a more artistic way. Slowly I discovered that these everyday ordinary things holds a lot more meaning than I realises on a daily basis. Without these things , my routine would be completely different, without them the quality of my every passing day would not be the same either. So, I've learnt to appreciate the little things around me and learnt to be more grateful for what I have now. Moreover, I have discovered different art styles and preferences while creating my artwork. I get to have the freedom to play with whatever media and elements I have which was a lot of fun from me while also getting inspiration and opinion from people around me with a different point of view of how the see me and things that I like. 




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