Final Project: Visual Analysis

1. This week, we were instructed to choose a target from the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations in the final project brief for this week (UNSDG). We are required to choose a piece of art or a design that centres on the objective of our choice, in my instance, the "Life Below Water" action. Additionally, we must discuss how the design relates to the UNSDG objective and why we selected it. additionally, create a visual analysis of the chosen design. Additionally, we must produce a design of our own that revolves around the chosen goal. 

2. My Design Process: 

2.1 I have chosen the goal "Life Below Water" as well as selected an artwork relating to the chosen goal mentioned. 

Phase 1: Observation 
The format of this design is portrait. When you look attentively at this piece of art, the primary colours used are various degrees of blue, white, and grey, as well as a faint orange and red hue. Overall, a design based on cool toned colours with a pop of warm tone that blends into the art in harmony. In the background, there are some straight lines and a large whale with a lot of debris inside it that is also spilling out. Plastic bags floating in the air appear to be a terrible phenomenon. This artwork is centered by the whale that looks to be slowing dying and fading away. 

Phase 2: Analysis 

When analysing this piece of art, you can observe that the whale draws attention to itself while the small details in the backdrop serve to complement it which applies the principle of design emphasis. In addition, the harmony created by the usage of analogous colours is another principle that is illustrated. Along with movement, the lines in the background provide the impression that the whale is falling deeper into the ocean. The floating plastic bags in the artwork serve as another example of repetition while also denoting increased pollution. The floating boat nearby informs us that the whale is well below the surface of the water, which is emphasised by the little pollution components nearby.

Phase 3: Interpretation

Around the world, a sizable number of street artists continue to highlight climate change in their work, whether it be through small stickers or massive murals, frequently with an emphasis on the creatures that coexist with people. This increasing number of artists and creatives is starting to sound like a chorus, acting maybe as the canary in the coalmine. SIR FIJODOR LIVING UNDERWATER Association for Iicerchio and the Gocce. LAVAZZA, Italy. 2018 October Plastic is now dispersed throughout our oceans, from the top to the seafloor, and it is starting to show up in food. Even ethical coffee firms are considering their role in polluting the oceans and the environment by manufacturing plastic K-cups, which are said to be produced in sufficient quantities each year to encircle the world at the Equator if strung together.

2.2 Idea Exploration 



2.2.1 Sketch

I have sketched out a human with a bottled body after a process of brainstorming of what I can create to contribute to the "Life Below Water" goals. 

2.2.2 Primer

After a rough sketch, I started selecting the colours i wanted to include into this artwork but as well corresponds to the selected title to make it obvious that this person is under water. 

2.2.3 Shading 

Moving on, I did some shading on the hair as well as darken some facial features to define the placements where i wants the facial features to go. 

2.2.4 Adding details and creating background 

Here I went ahead and added details to the facial features like lips, eyes, neckline, and some more shading. I also shaded the background with different degrees of the same colour palette as the background to give it an illusion of having depths. 

2.2.5 Bottle colouring

Then, I chose went through some pictures of bottles before finally choosing what colour I want the bottle body to be while adding some fine lines to the hair. 

2.2.6 Including fonts 

Progressing from there, I also decided to add fonts like Plastic, pollution, overfishing, Acidification, Eutrophication to signifies the harm and problems the lives below water are facing. 

2.2.7 Bubbles

Forward, I sketched in bubbles and tears to signifies the human head is struggling under water.

2.2.8 Defining and shading bubbles

I also defined and added more bubbles to tie the whole artwork together. I will then include some white streaks at the back to signifies motion and that this scenario is happening deep within the waters. 

2.3 Final Outcome 

"It Matters"
Together with the finished product, I've given this piece of art the title "It Matters" since it corresponds to one of the UNSDG goals I've chosen, "Life Below Water," which is to protect and sustainably utilise the oceans, seas, and marine resources for sustainable development. In this piece of art, I'm attempting to get across the idea that while human lives are significant, marine life are also significant, and that we should take care of them rather than just continue to exploit them. The human body is trapped in a plastic bottle, telling us that far more important lives than our own may be battling underwater without much public notice. In this artwork, it shows that the human is trapped and gasping for air, almost giving up, we must help the marine lives and the oceans the damages goes further till nothing exists in the oceans and can be use anymore. 

2.4 Feedback from Lecturer 

2.5 Reflection 
By this work, I have learned about the many UNSDG objectives and how they support the preservation of various types of environmental resources. The recorded lecture has also taught me how to create a visual analysis by using the three steps and specific examples that are detailed in the video. Other than that, and this is the most significant for me personally, this initiative has increased my knowledge of the current objectives and taught me about what they do, teaching me how I may help as a regular citizen to ease their progress and journey of conserving and protecting the world. I'm delighted to be working on this project and to have the chance to produce original artwork that might help people become more conscious and improve the world for all living beings.


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