
Showing posts from January, 2023


DESIGN EXERCISES 1. Emphasis  Dark Clouds  2. Harmony & Unity  Hope  ___________________________________________________________________________________ PROJECT 1: SELF-PORTRAIT Pretty Mess ___________________________________________________________________________________ FINAL PROJECT: VISUAL ANALYSIS  Life Below Water: It Matters  ___________________________________________________________________________________ Final Reflection:  This module was introduced in the beginning of 2023 as a foundational module before delving further into the knowledge of design. I have learned a number of things throughout this little semester that I was unable to learn when I was in Foundation in Arts. I can now more clearly grasp all the design ideas that were covered in the lecture video that was filmed, and I can also more clearly understand the comments our professor made to the students. In addition, I learned to believe in myself and merely express and research any views that are pertinent t

Final Project: Visual Analysis

1. This week, we were instructed to choose a target from the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations in the final project brief for this week (UNSDG). We are required to choose a piece of art or a design that centres on the objective of our choice, in my instance, the "Life Below Water" action. Additionally, we must discuss how the design relates to the UNSDG objective and why we selected it. additionally, create a visual analysis of the chosen design. Additionally, we must produce a design of our own that revolves around the chosen goal.  2. My Design Process:  2.1 I have chosen the goal "Life Below Water" as well as selected an artwork relating to the chosen goal mentioned.  Phase 1: Observation  The format of this design is portrait. When you look attentively at this piece of art, the primary colours used are various degrees of blue, white, and grey, as well as a faint orange and red hue. Overall, a design based on cool toned colours with a pop of war

Project 1: Self-Portrait

1. Recap of brief: Project 1  This week we are suppose to work on a given assignment by the lecturer which is a self-portrait. In this assignment, we are required to contemplate on your life-experiences, which include our culture, our family, our friends, my schooldays, my favourite hangouts, my favourite music, food, musicians, etc. I have observe my surroundings for the past few days before working on my artwork. I have observed the people, vehicles, buildings, plants, signages, nature, and activities. Later on, I found that the things and represents and interests me are best represented in the visuals I found online so I have save some references from Pinterest which is one of the platform inspires my artwork the most.   2. Design Process:  2.1: Visual References (That inspires mine)  2.1.1 Image reference from Pinterest  The first image I adhered reminds me of the different personalities and preferences I have. So, I wanted to use it as the base of my artwork so that I work blank c


From week 1-3, I watched all lecture videos of: Gestalt theory  Contrast  Emphasis  Balance  Repetition  Movement  Harmony & Unity   Symbol     Adhering to the brief,  I have selected 2 design principles. The design principles that I have selected are Emphasis and Harmony & Unity.  Below are the individual post for each design. 1. Principle One: Emphasis  Emphasis is used to create dominance and focus in design work. There are various elements can be used to create emphasis such as colour, shapes or value to create dominance. Emphasis is a strategy that catches the viewer's attention to a specific design element. We see emphasis in most fields of design, including architecture, landscape design, etc.  My Design Process: 1.1 Visual References:  1.1.1 Image reference from Pinterest  This image that I have adhered shows an excellent example of the use of the design principle Emphasis.  This is because the umbrellas the placement of the emphasized element is right in the middle