
Showing posts from June, 2023


4/4/2023 - 4/7/2023 Adriena Tan Yan Zi  Typography/ Bachelor of Design in Creative Media/ Taylors University  Final Compilation & Reflection  Index  Task 1 / Exercises  Task 2 / Typography Exploration & Communication  Task 3 / Type Design & Communication  Submission  Task 1/ Exercises  Figure 1.1 Final Type Expression JPEG Figure 1.2 Final Type Expression PDF Figure 1.3 Final Type Animation GIF Figure 1.4 Final Text Formatting JPEG    Figure 1.6 Final Text Formatting PDF (without grid) Final 1.7 Final Text Formatting PDF (with grid) Task 2/ Typographic Exploration & Communication  Figure 1.7 Final Typographic Exploration & Communication JPEG


Name: Adriena Tan Yan Zi  Student Id: 0351236 Course: Bachelor of Design in Creative Media Group: Section 02  E-mail: Theme  SELF-TITLED Self-titled is an exploration project for the students to express their own individuality and reflect their personality into digital art self-expression .  The main idea is to build up self-confidence and discover their interest .  1. Idea Development Write a biography about myself  INTRO My name is Adriena, I am 20 this year doing Bachelor of Design in Creative Media.  PARAGRAPH 1 I am taking design but design was not my first choice. My first choice was actually performing arts but soon realise that the opportunities are limited in this country and it is considered a rather unstable career so i decided to pursue something more stable that also peek my interest.  PARAGRAPH 2 The reason why i chose design and digital animation is because from a young age till now I’m always drawn towards fi


Week 10  Adriena Tan Yan Zi  0351236 Bachelor of Design in Creative Media / Digital Photography and Imaging  Section 2  Lectures Instructions  1. Download the PSD composition below: 2. Import the W10_ANIMATE.psd into Adobe After Effects. 3. Create a composition setting 1080 px (Width) x 1920 px (Height), Duration 15 second 4. Create a keyframe animation to the layers using Position (P), Scale (S) & Masking path. 5. Render output: Quicktime (.MOV) or .MP4 6. Upload your exercise into your Youtube Channel. 7. Update your progress and video to your E-Portfolio blog.  8. Attach your E-Portfolio link on this Submission. Tasks

Typography - Task 3: Type Design and Communication

28/5/2023 - /6/2023 / Week  8 - Week Adriena Tan Yan Zi / 0351236 Typography / Bachelor of Design in Creative Media / Taylors University Task  3 / Type Design and Communication Lectures All lectures has been completed. Please refer to here . Instructions Type Design and Communication  1. Writing calligraphy / Letters  For this task we were asked to practice calligraphy on paper with different mediums. Before we start doing our work digitally. the lecturer wanted us to understand and experience the fundamentals of calligraphy  and how fonts were formed by exploring with the mediums of our choice. Initially i went with the mediums, ballpoint pen, marker, highlighter, gel pen and paintbrush. However, I decided to change it soon because there was enough variation for me to work with. So I redid the first task with highl