Advanced Animation - Exercises

 24.9.2024 - .10.2024 / Week 1 - Week 
Adriena Tan Yan Zi / 0351236 / BA of Design (HONS) in Creative Media
Advanced animation


Week 1: 
Will be provided with a RIGGED 3D model so we can only focused on the animation part.
Install Blender: 
- 3.6 (Long term support)
- 4.2 Character rigging problem 

On week 5, we will be learning how to do blocking, polishing, keyframes, interpolation (contrast, slow in, slow out). If we are junior we need to understand the concept of layout first. 

Week 2: 
For this week, sir was explaining the fundamentals of animating a 3D bouncing ball.
3D animation doesn't require drawings like in 2D animation. 
Always use bouncing ball as your first exercise. 

3D modeling 
Object mode - Bone system (position, rotation and scale)
Edit mode 

We can use simple deform modifier to bend our objects but remember to apply, all transform to make sure every unit is at 1.00 to have the modifier work properly. 

To add bone: Go to add on the top bar, add armature and single bone. I can extrude it to 3 bone to fit the solid and move them around with grab or move tool. 

Go to object mode, select the bone and the object and press ctrl +P = parent 

Jumping ball animation (second arc) 
To make the second arc for the jumping ball animation, move the ball further away from the middle and create another keyframe at frame 49 with I. Update path. select the red hoop and go back to 25, right click add handle(free) and make the curved down(graph) line straight. add 12 more frames which is at frame 37 to position the ball floating on top, the middle of the curve. Then chick back to frame 25 and make the line curved and update path. 

To rotate the ball
Use the yellow hoop to rotate the ball. 
Inset(I) rotation at frame1 and go to the last frame and change the Y rotation to 360degress and insert rotation frame again. 

If no line is showing on the graph, go to view and frame all. 

We have to select the control in of the ball in order to change to pose mode. 






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