Information Design - Final Project: Animated Infographics

28/2/2024 - 25/3/2024/ Week 1 - Week 7
Adriena Tan Yan Zi / 0351236
Information Design / Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media
Final Project: Animated Infographics


Final Project: Animated Infographics

1. Group 5- Topic 3: The Impact of Social Media on Society 

Fig 1.1 Role delegation

2. Research materials 

Fig 1.2 Main Research Document

3. Slide proposal, moodboard and storyboard 
Information Design by Thanaphorn Daensaad

    Fig 1.3 Main presentation slide

4. Script breakdown 

  Fig 1.4 Shortened script 

  Fig 1.5 Initial long script with time stamp

4. Voiceover recording 

  Fig 1.6 Practice

  Fig 1.7 Animatics

 Fig 1.7 Practice for final

 Fig 1.7 Final voiceover

5. Animatics
Fig 1.8 Final Animatics
The animatics did by Wan Qing and Thanaphorn in procreate.

6. Illustration character design and other props

Fig 1.9 Illustrating main character

Since I'm in charge of making the character design, I just sketched the draft first and then proceed with importing and tracing it in illustrator. This is where i start choosing the main character's colour palette, we wanted her hair to be orange base to that what i went with. 

Fig 1.10 Illustrating main character outfit

Next up, I'm illustrating her dress, just a simple collared straight dress. Initially, I wanted the dress to be red so it's the same colour palette as her hair. But soon, our groupmates decided that it kind of clashes with her orange hair so we change it to a green dress instead. 

Fig 1.11 Illustrating expression and influencer

Moving on, here i am illustrating the influencer's character, with different hair style and colour, with a more slim and curvy figure. More revealing outfit to capture the media's attention as well. 

Fig 1.12 Illustrating parents and counselor

Then, as the main character's main pillars of support, I made her parents and the counselor in a similar artstyle. With the mom a warmer colour palette, and the dad cooler colour tones. As for the counselour, i made her a neutral colour palette so that she has a healing vibe to her. 

Fig 1.13 Illustrating meditation and exercise

Next, I'm illustrating the meditation and yoga poses to indicate that i can be part of a few ways to cope with mental health issues or rather, cyberbullying. 

Fig 1.14 Illustrating assets

For the hobbies we mentioned in the script, I made books and a cup of tea to indicate that the hobby could be as simple as reading a book while enjoying a cup of tea from time to time. 

Fig 1.15 Illustrating mirror and baggy outfit

Then, I moved on to determining the font and background colour and the typefaces for the main heading and sub-heading. 

Main heading font: Berlin Sans FB Demi Bold
Sub heading font: Arial Bold
Newspaper font: Times New Roman (Bold, Normal)

Fig 1.16 Illustrating mobile phone and filming assets

I'm collecting the icon for the animation, then i moved to Pinterest to find inspo pics for the create, share and exchange. Illustrating the phone and phone stand, as well as the Instagram posts template so that we have more assets to animate with to better indicate the description. 

7. Animating in After Effects 

The animation part is delegated to 2 people to speed up the animation process, WanQing and Han. These animation screenshot is from WanQing. 

Fig 1.17 Separating layers to prepare for animation

Separating the elements in different layers in illustrator before animating. 

Fig 1.18 animating text

Animating the Main headings in the video, using the type of animation. 

Fig 1.19 animation scenes

Initial Animation (Before feedback)

Fig 1.20 initial animation before feedback

Final Animation

Fig 1.21 final animation (youtube)


Week 3:
Can approach the animation with a simple character instead of a complicated one, one example we have is Mr.clippy from microsoft. 

Week 4:

Include statistic like graphs, in the video to further proves the research.

Week 5: 
Try to remain the consistency of all the assets, if the main character doesn't have strokes and don't use strokes for the rest of the assets. Try to add gradient to the colouring of the assets so that they dont appear dull in the animation later on.

Week 6: 
The animatics are quite simple. Can include more assets to indicate and enhance our points while the voiceover is explaining. For the self harm scene, we could include newspaper clippings to show that the character has suicided. Don't pause on a scene for too long. 

Week 7:
Put text in the phone screen
Make the graph clear
Hold the graph a bit longer
Put two lines for title if too long
Visual is confusing - show a bit more clearer (self esteem fall)
Social isolation- crowd / one person
Use color to show verbally abuse etc
Make it look more like a classroom - add chatacters etc
Add 20% of particpants of survey 
Counsellor sitting taking notes
Graph add title - put a blank color screen
Make the titles all consistent 
Limiting exposure by using a clock or select some sociak media and put it in the trash - animation not very clear
Graph add title on the top



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