
Sonic Design - Excercises

24.9.2024 -  / Week 1 - Week Adriena Tan Yan Zi / 0351236 / BA of Design (HONS) in Creative Media Sonic Design Exercises Lectures  Week 1: For the first week self directed learning which we are not required to attend any classes but only to follow instructions to install Adobe Audition and create our reflective blog needed for this module.  In our first practical class, he briefly walk us through the MIB explaining the content of of each task and what is required of us regarding each task, equipment and website we needed to access free sound effects. To make his explanation clearer he even showed us some past senior's example work for each task so we can better grasps the MLO of each task.  We presented our earphone and headphone options to sir, who evaluated them to determine if they were suitable for moving on to the next task. He then instructed us to download a sample music file in ZIP format. Afterward, he guided us through importin

Film Studies & Cinematography - Project 1

 24.9.2024 - .10.2024 / Week 1 - Week Adriena Tan Yan Zi / 0351236 / BA of Design (HONS) in Creative Media Film Studies & Cinematography Project 1 Lectures  Week 1:  Week 2:  This week, the lecturer explained to us the elements that consist in basic good story. He also brief us about the art of storytelling so we have a better idea how to map out the spine of a good story.  We tell stories that hold a special place or made us feel some type of way that we would like to share with people. So through writing and telling the story, we hope that we can get our story across to the viewers hoping they would understand what we feel while writing this story. Will take many tries until we get the storyline perfect. We were shown a video called Purl, where a ball of yarn is trying to fit into an office environment.  We were shown another video of a dog and a cat befriending

Advanced Animation - Exercises

24.9.2024 - .10.2024 / Week 1 - Week  Adriena Tan Yan Zi / 0351236 / BA of Design (HONS) in Creative Media Advanced animation Exercises Lectures  Week 1:  Will be provided with a RIGGED 3D model so we can only focused on the animation part. Install Blender:  - 3.6 (Long term support) - 4.2 Character rigging problem  On week 5, we will be learning how to do blocking, polishing, keyframes, interpolation (contrast, slow in, slow out). If we are junior we need to understand the concept of layout first.  Week 2:  For this week, sir was explaining the fundamentals of animating a 3D bouncing ball. 3D animation doesn't require drawings like in 2D animation.  Always use bouncing ball as your first exercise.  3D modeling  Object mode - Bone system (position, rotation and scale) Edit mode  We can use simple deform modifier to bend our obj