
Showing posts from December, 2024

Sonic Design - Final Project: Game Audio Design

5.12.2024 - .2024 / Week 11 - Week Adriena Tan Yan Zi / 0351236 / BA of Design (HONS) in Creative Media Sonic Design Final Project  Lectures  Week 12 / 12.12.2024  Sound for Film  *Start from Video Storyboard - visuals; description; music, SFX, audio description *Linear Production - when; what kind of sound; how loud / soft  - linear media  Sound for Game *Game is not linear *Things happen based on the player's states, choice, action *Predict what will happen *Visuals can serve as reference on what style of sound you want to make  Event (Triggers / Cues) Mapping - Determine all possible actions that would require sound or change in sound state 1. Analysing game flow, visuals 2. List down everything and categorise 3. Reference / Concept on sounds or music     *Get clear reference  A. Research > Finalised Direct...

Sonic Design - Project 2: Audio Storytelling

21.10.2024 - 8.12.2024 / Week 9 - Week 11 Adriena Tan Yan Zi / 0351236 / BA of Design (HONS) in Creative Media Sonic Design Project 2 Lectures Week 10:  This week sir wants us to practice our storytelling skills with an advertisment exercise in an hour we have to submit the end product edited with background music and sound effects.  Sample Scripts for Radio Commercials I picked the Cat show commercials for the exercise.  Final Exercise Week 10  Here is the link to the final edit exercise. Instructions  Project 2: Audio Storytelling For this project, we need to select a fairy tale we’re familiar with and create an audiobook. The lecturer recommended choosing a story we know well to better convey expression and emotion. The recording should be done in a quiet space, using a pitch and tone appropriate for the story. Finally, we’ll enhance the audiobook by adding sound effects to complete the experience. I chose to do m...

Advanced Animation/ PROJECT 2: Jump Animation

24.9.2024 - 29.10.2024 / Week 1 - Week Adriena Tan Yan Zi / 0351236 / BA of Design (HONS) in Creative Media Advanced animation Project 2: Jump Animation Lectures  Instructions Project 2: Jump Animation Normal Jump Final Normal Jump Cartoonish Jump  Final Cartoonish Jump Final Compiled J umps Feedback  The arms can make it more natural, maybe can reduce the distance of the follow-through.  If i want to make the animation slower i can drag and extend the peak curve in the graph.  Reflection