DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY & IMAGING GCD 61204 WEEK 4: PRACTICAL NAME: ADRIENA TAN YAN ZI I.D: 0351236 COURSE: BACHELOR OF DESIGN IN CREATIVE MEDIA GROUP: 02 WEEK 4 E-PORTFOLIO LINK: https://adrienasblog.blogspot.com/2023/04/w4-practical-digital-collage.html ____________________________________________________________________________ INSTRUCTION: Attach your best composition from WEEK 3 digital collage exercise below. Using the same Photoshop file, improvise your WEEK 3 digital collage into WEEK 4 by using Adjustment Layers & Filters on Photoshop. Explain what you’ve learned in the description section WEEK 3 - PEN TOOL EXERCISE (BEST COMPOSITION) DESCRIPTION: I was trying to recreate a sort og underwater kingdom with the materials given by the lecturer. The rocky surface as the sea bay and buildings around them as the palace or city. Bluish texture to represent the flowing water and of course the key elements are the fi...